The following enhancements were made to the Superior IRA & HSA® platform in July 2024.
Dashboard: Tasks
Users may now unassign tasks that are currently assigned to them on the Dashboard. If marked as “unassigned”, the task will appear on the Dashboard for every user that has the user role listed in the Category section below the Assignee drop-down.
- Click a task to expand the details.
- Click the Assignee drop-down and select Unassign Task.
Transactions: Distribute Money Workflow
If an account owner is age 73 or older and takes a distribution from their IRA, a Transactions or Transactions Administrator will select if the distribution should “reduce the account owner’s remaining required minimum distributions (RMDs) by the amount of the distribution” or if it should “not reduce the remaining RMD by the amount of the distribution”, as shown below.
If the account owner has a recurring distribution election currently listed under their account in the Superior platform, your selection made in the Distribute Money workflow will now display within the RMD Information section of the completed Distribution form, as shown below.
Organization Settings: Transaction Settings>Transaction Workflow Settings
The Transactions Settings section of the Organization Settings page, accessible only to Site Administrators at your organization, now displays the following information:
- (NEW) Show the Select Investment Options step in contribution workflows: This option displays at the bottom of the Transaction Workflow Settings section. If the toggle is enabled (displays black, as shown below), then the user may either select the investment options to deposit assets into the IRA or the section may be skipped. If the toggle is disabled (displays gray), then the Select Investment Options section of the Open New Account and Deposit Money workflows does not display for the user to select.
- (NEW) Display Financial Organization Fee Amount in the Distribution workflow: This option displays at the bottom of the Transaction Workflow Settings section. If the toggle is enabled (displays black, as shown below), then the user will see the option to enter any financial organization fees assessed on a distribution in the Distribute Money workflow. If the toggle is disabled (displays gray), then the Financial Organization Fee Amount field will not display in the Distribute Money workflow.
- Spousal Consent Required: This was moved from the Organization Information It allows your organization to indicate if the Spousal Consent section on a New Account or Beneficiary Designation form will appear only when the account owner resides in a community or marital property state, or if it will always appear, regardless of the owner’s state residence.
- Investment Rate/APY Precision: This was moved from the Organization Information section. Confirm the number of decimal places after the decimal point that is provided for your investment rates/annual percentage yield on your investments (e.g., enter “2” if it appears as 0.40; enter “3” if it appears as 0.400, etc.).
- Documentation Address: This was moved from the Organization Information section. Confirm the financial organization address to appear on your forms. You may select to always display the primary branch address or the branch address for the specific user completing the transaction.
- Email Frequency for Pending Transactions and Past Due Task Notifications: This section was re-worded but still displays in the same section. Confirm how frequently you’d like staff to be notified about the following situations.
- When Transactions Administrators will be notified that a transaction is awaiting review in the Pending Review section of the Dashboard.
- When a representative will be notified that a Task assigned to them on the Dashboard is past due.